Hi, I’m Gökhan.
I have been living in Amsterdam since 2019.
I have 15+ years of experience in different technology-based companies as a passionate engineer/architect. I’m currently working as a Cloud Architect at Boeing.
Problem-solving and communication management stand out as my key strengths in this field.
I proudly held the title of Microsoft MVP for Microsoft development technologies consecutively from 2019 to 2022.
My extensive expertise spans various domains, including E-Commerce (Search, Checkout, Marketplace, Order Management System, Product Information Management), Hotel Booking (B2C & B2B, Supplier integration), Job Board, and OCR.
Specialities: Azure, C#, .NET, Cloud-Native Applications, DevOps, GitOps, CI/CD, Kubernetes, Containers, Container Security, Angular, Service Oriented Architecture, Messaging Architecture, Microservices, TDD, Message Brokers, Framework Design, Design Patterns, RESTful Design, Distributed Caching, Search Engines, Refactoring, Code Review, Reverse Engineering (Diagnosing memory & performance issues), APM Tools
Mail: gok.gokalp@yahoo.com
LinkedIn: http://tr.linkedin.com/in/gokgokalp
This is my GitHub repository link: https://github.com/GokGokalp/